Thursday, March 12, 2009

I found a new blog to read....

My friend Cori Megan has a new blog I have enjoyed reading for about a week now. I have to admit if there are links on blogs to other blogs I will check them out. On Cori's I started reading this blog she had titled matt, liz and madeline. I clicked on it just to see if I may know them. I didn't but I got sucked in. So for the last 2 days I will log in, do my regular morning checks then when I get my emails caught up I start my reading. I don't know if Cori knows them personally or if she heard about the blog from someone else regardless if you haven't heard the story or read the blog it is worth the read but be prepared for the tears.

If you haven't heard the story check out their blog. When you get there before you read ANYTHING go to the links on the right side of the page and you will see one titled, if you haven't been here before. It gives you a background of what Matt is blogging about. Once you have read that part of his blog dive in. There is seriously reading for days. I have now added the blog to my blog reader and am looking forward to updates. I look forward to updates on others blogs as well.

This blog just makes you put life into perspective. It makes you realize how EVERYTHING can change in literally a minute. It makes you realize there are far more important things in life than a new pair of jeans or who is going to do the dishes that night. Chris and I have so much going on right now which really makes me crazy but we have each other.


Pensive1 said...

Hey T!
I don't know Matt, a friend of mine showed me that blog. Isn't it a terrible story. I like his blog becuase it is the after, and shows him trying to heal, its real, gritty, and not always pretty. I can appreciate that!

Taneha said...

It is amazing because it is so real. It really puts life into perspective.