Here it is December 31 in a few short hours it will be 2008 and then I will be 32. WOW where did the time go. I haven't written much lately things have been crazy and I figure why write it is just the same stuff different day. :)
We have had A LOT of family time in the last 2 months and I have loved EVERY moment of it. Thank you to my family for being so supportive, loving and wonderful this year.
Here is to 2008 and all the changes to come. Till then I leave you with 200 questions about me. But now what I look at it there isn't 200 questions so however many! :)
Happy New Year!
200. My middle name is: Jo
199. I was born in: 1976
198. I am really: a funny person ask LindsEy!
197. My cell phone company is: verizon
196. My eye color is: brown
195. My shoe size is: 7
194. My ring size is: HUGE I think 7 or 8 I have fat fingers
193. My height is: 5'2"
192. I am allergic to: milk
191. I was born on:...1/2/1976 (coming up in case you need to get me anything)
190. I am annoyed by: people who smack when they eat
189. Last book you read: Ha Ha a girly book…..Shopaholic and Sister
188. My bed is: not big enough for Me, Chris, Kona, Jack and Shiver
187: One thing you hate about your body: my stomach
179. My favorite Holiday is: Thanksgiving
177. The last three cd's you bought/burned: Kid Rock & Timbaland
175. Are you living at home: I live in my own house
174. Do you have any siblings: 2 brothers and a sister
170. What did you do today: So far I got up at 6 made my lunch, drove to work, ate my oatmeal and surfed the internet because NOBODY else is working today.
:::I Believe In:::
142. Love at first sight: I married Chris but I wasn’t in love when I met him
141. Good Luck: nope
140. Fate: yes
139. Yourself: sometimes
138. Aliens: no
137. Heaven: yes
136. Hell: yes
135. Ghosts: I don’t know I am on the fence
134. Horoscopes: no but I would LOVE to read what someone thinks will happen in my life. I am still waiting for the big SUM of money it said I was gettin
133. Soulmates: ..yes
:::Which is Better:::
129. Hugs or Kisses: hugs they are so true
127. Phone or Online: both have their moments
124. Hot or cold: hot
123. Summer or winter: both
122. Fall or Spring: both (I love Oregon cause you get a combo of all 4 I love something about each)
121. Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla
120. Night or Day: night
119. Oranges or Apples: oranges
118. Curly or Straight hair: If mine would stay curly but it only does with a bottle of hairspray and a perm which one I won’t do and the other too much time.
:::Here's What I Think About:::
116. Abortion: I don't believe in it
115. Backstabbers: We've all been there
114-Politicians: I am tired of hearing about them
:::Last time I:::
102. Had food?: I ate some chex mix about 30 minutes ago
101. Saw someone I haven't seen in awhile: Dec. 29th
99. Who is the ditsiest person you know: Sorry but LindsEy!!! I love you!!!
98. Who makes you laugh the most?: Leslie cracks me up!!!
82. What I don't understand is: boys….amen Erin I still don’t get them
76. Something I always really miss when I leave home is: my bed
75. The thing that I'm looking forward to the most: 2008 is a new year
74. The thing that I'm not looking forward to is: turning 32
73. Tomorrow: I will sleep in and eat yummy sushi my husband will make for my family.
72. Today: is over
71. Next Summer: I predict will be GREAT
70. Next Weekend: is a new year
67. People call me: Taneha, Neha, Tancha, Tanera (thanks Warren), T, TT, Sikoni
60. The most difficult thing to do is: admit failure
59. I have gotten a speeding ticket: 3 times I think
60. My zodiac sign is: Capricorn
55. The first person I talked to today was: Craig a guy I work with
54. First time you had a crush: I was pry in 5th grade
53. The one person who I can't hide things from: my mom
52. Last time someone said something you were thinking: Saturday night (I don’t remember exactly but I remember it happened)
51. Right now I am talking to: nobody I am filling this out
50. What is your dream job: to be a mommy or if I work where I get paid a Tradeshow Coordinator (for a bigger company)
49. First real job: Village Baptist Nursery :-)
48. I have/will get a job: I have 2 jobs Thomas thinks I need a 3rd I think he hates me ;-)
47. I have these pets: Kona – our chocolate lab, Jack – our orange cat and shiver – our fighting spotted cat
46. I wish: not to work for a year and be ok
45. The worst sound in the world: someone screeching
44. The person that makes me cry the most is: no comment
43. Best sound in the world: running water
39. Person[s] that makes you happy: my family and my good friends
35. Florida or Hawaii: From what I have been in Florida, Hawaii
33. My favorite piece of clothing: ALL my clothes!
31. Last time I cried: Saturday
30. My friends are: irreplaceable and incredible
29. My computer is: slow as CRAP
28. The school I go to is: I don’t
27. Last person I got mad at is: Chris (surprise)
22. The all-time best movie is: I don’t know really……Steal Magnolias
21. The all-time best feeling in the world is: being loved
17. I lose all respect for people who: cheat
16. The last movie I cried at was: The Family Stone
14. TV channels you watch: NBC, ABC, CBS, MTV, E!, Discovery, TLC
13. Favorite web site: right now
11. The worst pain I was ever in: when I had my laparoscopy
10. My favorite word is: butt munch
9. My room: is clean and big right now
8. My favorite celebrity: Reese Witherspoon or Julie Roberts
7. Your weakness is: children
6. Where do you want to go one day: Japan
4. What I like/first notice about the opposite sex is: smile
2. One thing that makes you feel great is: knowing you’re loved
1. One person that you wish you could see right now: James
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