Tuesday, November 16, 2010


I am thankful for the TSA.

Personally, I love my life and value my life. If that means going through an x-ray scanner or getting a pat down when I fly to get where I am going safely, then so be it. If you don’t want to be scanned or pat down DON’T fly, that is your choice. Personally I am glad they care.

It is a right to fly and something we each chose to do. In doing that we agree to the terms put on us by the government and TSA, who are trying to protect us from getting blown up in the sky or flown into another building.

If people don't like one of the 2 options they have to x-ray or a pat down then take a train, drive, walk or hitch hike. Regardless you know this is your option when you buy the ticket. Unless you have been under a rock the last year or even 9 years for that matter.

With that said, thank you TSA for protecting me and getting me to my destination safely every time I fly. I will sacrifice a little just to be alive.

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