Thursday, August 06, 2009

Facebook...Blog...Twitter..MySpace Follow-up

Working at the GAP brings up fun and interesting conversations when you close. Like how HOT Jeff is on Big Brother. Last night while a friend (I won't mention her name but rhymes with Oyce) and I were folding and we started talking about the differences between FB, MySpace, Twitter and Blogging!

Here is what we came up with.....

Blogging - A place to share thoughts, feelings, emotions and really anything you want.

MySpace - Seems to be more for fun crazy stuff. (I will leave out the description my unknown friend used.)

Facebook - Something fun to catch up with family, friends and people you haven't heard from in years.

Twitter - Updates every hour or minute. So if you feel the need to keep everyone updated each hour this is the place to do it.

So, if I keep changing my Facebook status today. It is purely for my friend who's name rhymes with Oyce who loves it when people update their status hourly when they should use Twitter and Tweet!!!

Happy Blogging, MySpacing, Facebooking and Twittering which ever you love to do.

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