Friday, August 07, 2009


It kind of flew by honestly. I have feeling August is going to be the same way and it is only the 7th. We did have a busy but wonderful July and have been enjoying our summer with amazing family and friends.

July 4th weekend we went down to Salem and spent the weekend with my Tracie (my sister) and the family. We had a great weekend and were almost sad to come home.

The following week Chris went to Lewiston, ID to paint Aunt Debbie and Uncle Bob's house. He was gone a little over a week. While he was goneI want to Mom's Silpada kick off party....

Had dinner with friends...

Had a Bowl-A-Thon with my PTC team...

Had a sleep over with Penelope....

Cuddled with my babies......

and Had a going home BBQ at Tracie and Mario's for Lacee...

Chris got back on 15 and we left EARLY Friday morning on the 17th to head down to Grants Pass for the weekend with Mom, Jack, Alex, Tracie, Mario and the family. We had a great time swimming, BBQ'ing and riding the Jet Boats. It was a great relaxing weekend except I was sick for a few days and Chris was sick on the way home.

The last weekend we went on a random camping with the Teshera family to the Wilson River. It was a quick last minute trip but it was great fun.

July went by fast but we had a GREAT July!!! Now on to August.

Thursday, August 06, 2009

Facebook...Blog...Twitter..MySpace Follow-up

Working at the GAP brings up fun and interesting conversations when you close. Like how HOT Jeff is on Big Brother. Last night while a friend (I won't mention her name but rhymes with Oyce) and I were folding and we started talking about the differences between FB, MySpace, Twitter and Blogging!

Here is what we came up with.....

Blogging - A place to share thoughts, feelings, emotions and really anything you want.

MySpace - Seems to be more for fun crazy stuff. (I will leave out the description my unknown friend used.)

Facebook - Something fun to catch up with family, friends and people you haven't heard from in years.

Twitter - Updates every hour or minute. So if you feel the need to keep everyone updated each hour this is the place to do it.

So, if I keep changing my Facebook status today. It is purely for my friend who's name rhymes with Oyce who loves it when people update their status hourly when they should use Twitter and Tweet!!!

Happy Blogging, MySpacing, Facebooking and Twittering which ever you love to do.

Tuesday, August 04, 2009


How many does one person need? I realized the other day that it actually gets out of control. Do I blog? Do I FB? Do I Tweet? To myself I think "oh yeah, I still have a MySpace page that I haven't looked at in 2 weeks."

I feel like it is a little out of control at points. How many Social Networks does one need to keep in contact socially? OK I am guilty of having a Blog, FB, Twitter and MySpace. I conformed.

I never use my MySpace page. I have thought about deleting it, but there are people on there that aren't on Facebook. Then again the ones I love and care about have my phone number, they can text or call me.

I feel like I haven't blogged in a while because I just don't have time. I have all these Blog topics but why blog when I can just update my FB status. I like to be able to sit down and put thought into my blog not just a......Taneha Poulton Teshera is.....blah blah blah. There is more time and effort when blogging which I seem to not have lately. I do love blogging though. I have it connected to FB so it will automatically post on FB just in case someone doesn't want to go to another application. The added convenience to Social Networking.

Then there is Twitter. I get it but I don't get it. I get a million updates a day from people on Twitter and it is great getting news updates, star updates, company updates and friend updates. Thank goodness I have an unlimited text plan. I seem to only use this when I am out and about and take a picture of something and want to Tweet about it. It is also connected to my FB status so it will instantly update.

Which do I use? Which is more important? Which do more people use? Do I use different applications for different things? Is a blog more personal? Is Tweeting just for daily updates? Is Facebook a combination of both?

Now that I have posted a blog I better go Facebook and Tweet. :)