Thursday, July 30, 2009

Cilantro-Lime Rice

As requested here is the recipe to the Cilantro-Lime Rice I make and the new Salmon recipe we tried. The original recipe for the rice was from a Cooking Light recipe from 2002, Cilantro Rice with Chicken. I tweaked it a little and came up with my own recipe which I enjoy much more. I hope you love it as much as we do.


Rice 2 1/2 cups (this makes about 8 servings in our rice cooker)
3 Cups Chicken Broth (I cook the rice in chicken broth to add flavor)

1/4 Cup Chicken Broth
1 1/2 Large Limes
2-3 Garlic Cloves
Dash Salt
2 tbsp Green Onions
2 Cups Cilantro


Cook Rice either on stove top or in a rice cooker

To Prepare sauce, mix the sauce ingredients in a food processor or blender. Process until smooth. Stir into rice mixture.

That is the recipe fairly simple. The Salmon recipe is pretty easy as well.

4tbl sweet chile sauce
1tbl fresh lime juice
1tbl fish sauce
3tbl soy sauce
1/4 to 1/2 cup chopped green onion
3 cloves garlic minced
1/4 tsp pepper
1/2 cilantro

Marinate the Salmon most of the day bake or BBQ

They were great together - Enjoy!!!!

Thursday, July 02, 2009

Princess Flora Van Esteban Menudo - Nicknames

A lot of people always wonder or ask what is or does Princess Flora Van Esteban Menudo mean. Really it doesn't have any meaning at all. I love nicknames. I think I myself have probably at least 10 different ones. I also love giving them.

Princess Flora Van Esteban Menudo originated a few years ago at work from a co-worker. I love the show Friends one favorite episode is when Phoebe realizes she can have any name she wants and wants Princess Consuela Bananahammock. I decided I wanted to change my name too and Princess Flora Van Esteban Menudo is what a co-worker came up with. So if I were ever to change my name that is what it would be.

As far as my other nicknames here is a list and where they came from.

Neha - The most common one. Given by my family members so much easier to say than Taneha for little kids.
TJ - When I was little my Bap (Grandfather) called me TJ. It is now my nickname for Chris' family
T-Jo - Given by Jack when he would leave Thomas and I notes. Our initials are both TJ so I got T-Jo
T - Honestly no clue who started it but the other most common one.
Moon - I went to stay with my sister when she lived in California and the twins were just learning to talk. I showed them the moon one night and the next morning they ran around the house yelling Moon at me. From then on they called me Moon.
T-T - Mer started calling me TT when we lived together and funny enough when I got married it was now appropriate.
Tancha - I got a piece of mail long ago with my name miss spelled. Thomas thought it was so funny he started calling me Tancha. He decided to share the nickname with Chris when we met. Chris decided to share it with a few friends and his family so for a few I am Tancha.
Tanera - Tricia's husband Warren likes combining first and last names. Chris now thinks it is the best nickname ever so now he calls me Tanera and so do the Petrov children. (Maybe I have gotten rid of Tancha for a bit.)
Teeny Ha Ha - Almost forgot, how I don't know. Given by Scott Mauck at Raft Rally.

I am sure I am forgetting a few but I am sure someone will remind me. Some I have left off on purpose. My brother and husband have given me too many and I chose to leave them out.

Here is a list of nicknames I have given others.

Frank - Jenn, ha ha the latest addition to the nickname list. Frank came about when she miss spelled drank in a text to Denise.
Georgina - Kelsey, a few years ago I thought she needed another nickname and Georgina is what she got. :)
Krissy Bugger - Kristen, I can't take credit for it
Pretty Princess - Erin Walsh, I have always called her a Pretty so I added Princess to it one day. Now she is and will forever be Pretty Princess.
Penelope Princess Lou Lou Bear - Lexi, also Penelope or Lou Lou.
Sissy - Tracie my Sissy
Sikoni - Lindsey, this one originated one night when Zach was a little delirious. He was doing and saying weird things and he named the Kool Aid spoon his Sikoni. It was funny to us so then from there on Lindsey's name was Sikoni.

I am sure I am forgetting names I have given if I do I will add them. Oh yeah our animals have nicknames too.

Bean - Kona for Kona Coffee Bean or Boo Boo
DoDo- Jack
Little Boy Boy - Shiver, the funny part is he is not little.